Summer Edition 2022

50days of dance are not enough, so we want to keep the movement alive.

3rd July / 25th September


  • 4 – 9 September_CI Essentials_Taiji Tao & Qigong with Sarah Tulivu / Play-Fight with Chiara Zompa / Dance Improvisation with Samuel Nicola Fuscà
  • 10 – 11 September_CI Essentials_Gravity Rain / workshop of Contact Improvisation with Linda Bufali
  • 23 – 25 September_Trio of Teachers in their 50’s / workshop of Contact Improvisation and Somatic Technics with Mario Ghezzi, Michele Marchesani, and Lior Ophir
info and registration

4 9 September

CI Essentials_Taiji Tao & Qigong / Play-Fight / Dance Improvisation with Sarah Tulivu, Chiara Zompa, Samuel Nicola Fuscà

5 days of community living.

From inner awareness to creating together.
We will start by inquiring about our inner state of body-mind through a daily session of Taiji/Qi Gong and meditation. From this state of deep listening, we will integrate the principles of interconnection through the confrontational and playful dynamics of Play-Fight practice and the potential for creative and collaborative expression by exploring tools of Dance Improvisation.

Arrival 4 September at 5 pm
Departure 9 September at 4 pm

Monday to Thursday

8 – 9.15 morning practice
10.45- 12.45 class
16.30 – 19 class
22.00 evening practice

Friday till lunch

MORE INFO press FB link!

10 – 11 September

CI Essentials_Gravity Rain / workshop of Contact Improvisation with Linda Bufali

Arrival 9 September at 5 pm
Departure 11 September at 5 pm

Saturday 10

8.30 breakfast
10 – 13 class
16 – 19 class
20 dinner
22 jam

Sunday 11

8.30 breakfast
10 – 12.30 class

small lunch
13.30 – 16 class


For me it has always been a mysterious word, and one very often used when talking about Contact
I imagine it as rain, falling constantly over a dance that is taking place.
I connect it to the idea of weight, of how to give and receive it.
I connect it to the unexpected, to what happens when we are immersed in the many stimuli and distractions
that cover any dance.
I connect it to resilience: how to continue to dance under a rain of gravity?
In this workshop I would like to make space for gravity – as the weight of the body, like grounding, as the
joyful chaos of being in contact in a duet.

While I was trying to study acting, in 1998, l bumped into…and against this “weird dance”. After a few years I realized I was still there, sweating, falling, laughing, and feeling. So I decided to go deeper
into it, entering the phantasmagorical world of workshops and festivals, bumping into and against strange
teachers who helped me sweating, falling , laughing and feeling even better.
I’d give anything to forget all that so to start again, off for the journey again! But it’s not possible!
Since 2008, I have been teaching in Italy (intensive workshops in many communities and Italy Contact
Festival ’15), abroad (intensive workshop in Madrid, Lleida, Alcoi, Colon, Basque Country, Amsterdam,
Israeli Contact Festival ’16, Dancefullnes Ukraine ’16) and I have been organizing events to help Contact
Improvisation spread as much as possible (I am one of the founders of the Italy CI Camp).
It’s a bit as to make the journey from the start, knowing the path but taking different luggage with you; and
always hoping to bump into/against something interesting.
I see contact dance as the best way I have in this lifetime to meet someone outside the social contract and to
keep my drive for movement alive.
Life is movement, moving in pairs accelerates awareness.
I deeply believe that contact improvisation is potential, a big, healthy revolution.

23 – 25 September

Trio of Teachers in their 50’s / workshop of Contact Improvisation and Somatic Technics with Mario Ghezzi, Michele Marchesani, and Lior Ophir

A concludere un mese ricco di ricerca, danza e formazione in arrivo l’ultimo workshop della Summer Edition; è arrivato il momento di un Trio di insegnanti di tutto di rispetto!

Mario Ghezzi:
“L’attenzione nel contatto fisico. Dal tocco alla Contact”

Michele Marchesani:
“Il ruolo della fascia nella connessione con il partner”

Lior Ophir:
“Contact practice for long life”

Cosa li accomuna? :
sono uomini gentili, hanno una traiettoria significativa di insegnamento alle loro spalle e più di tutto sono nei loro 50’s (come la contact)!

Un occassione speciale per incontrare tre danzatori e insegnanti che mescolano ricerca somatica, danza e improvvisazione in un mix tutto da scoprire!

Un weekend di lezioni all’insegna dell’integrazione. Ogni proposta verrà elaborata dagli insegnanti secondo la loro prospettiva nell’ottica dello scambio e arricchimento reciproco.
Sarà come il gioco della staffetta in cui si passa il testimone della conduzione così da poter arricchire/allungare/ribaltare la prospettiva offerta su una tematica specifica.


Venerdì 23
ore 16 arrivo
ore 18 intro e apertura
ore 20.00 cena
ore 21.30 Jam

Sabato 24
ore 10 – 13 classe
ore 13.30 pranzo
ore 16.30 – 19.30 classe
ore 20 cena
ore 21.30 Jam con musica

Domenica 25
ore 10 – 13 classe
ore 13.30 pranzo leggero
ore 15 -17 warm up into Jam di chiusura

Per le Bio guarda l’evento FB